....that it's only been a week since I last blogged.
We are having a great summer! Jacob is driving and driving well. He's been just busy enough to keep from being bored. Returned from San Jose last Friday (trip with daddy) and then leaves for Seattle next Thursday (four day ministry called Urban Plunge, where they interact with homeless people). He plans to play football once school starts, and has been working out in the school's weight room.
Geoff had a bout with an inflamed salivary gland. Sent him to the E.R. He redefined the word "swollen," but he's okay now.
I have leveled off at a nice cruising altitude and God has very graciously taken much of my anxiety away. Still very happily married, coming up on seven years. I thank God every day for the blessing of my husband and son.
Jewell lived with us briefly, but the lure of the grandkids was too great and she went back to Cali on July 6th. Investigator Linton (sorry P.K., but you'll always be "Investigator") and his sweet wife Cathy visited us for the 4th of July. In their 38 foot motor home don't ya know. We will be taking our R.V. to Las Vegas, to spend Thanksgiving with them.
Much work has been done in our backyard by my hardworking hubby. It looks presentable now! There is even a table, umbrella and four chairs.
Life is good.