Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Good Way to Start 2010

The following was written by my mother:

I want to take you back to September 4, 1939 (I was 9 years old), sitting in the living room in the house on Cresent Drive in Calgary, when the voice of King George of England delivered the following message over the BBC at the start of World War 2:

These were his words, as timely now as then:

"I have asked the Guardian of the year to give me a lamp that I might see into the uncertain future."

Then he said, "Put your hand in the hand of God for He is better than a thousand lamps."

It wasn't long before black stars started showing up in the windows of the houses in the neighbourhood, indicating that a son or a husband was gone to war, and food and gas rationing were in effect.

Churchill kept reminding us over the BBC each week that it would be with blood, sweat and tears that we would overcome Hilter. And we did, and the message is as timely today as it was then, because our future is always uncertain, but of this one thing we CAN be certain, that God will be in the future with us. And that is a very good thought to carry with us in 2010.

Happy New Year everyone ~ Vaya Con Dios.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Your post brought tears to my eyes, Kim. No wonder your son is so close to the Lord...he has a long legacy. Just like Timothy!

Happy New Year to you and yours!