Thursday, September 4, 2014

20 Years Ago Today ~ 9/4/94

20 years ago today the Lord gave me my biggest blessing, and my biggest "job." It was as if He said, "Take this child who I have so clearly set apart for My service, and raise him, train him in the ways that he should go." The early years are still fresh in my memory. The days when Christian school tuition was cobbled together each month, sometimes with the help of family members, sometimes by collecting and returning cans. God was always faithful and made a way for Jacob.

I remain as humbled and in awe today, of the fact God gave such a child to a sinner like me, as I was when a five year old Jacob was approaching strangers and asking, "Do you know about Jesus?" I wish there had been a support group, Mothers of Future Pastors, because it's a daunting job and one I take very seriously. Too seriously I'm sure some would say.

I will be forever grateful that God brought Geoff into our lives. A godly man who has taught Jacob what it means to be a godly man. A man who walks the walk, each and every day.

Happy Birthday Cobby ~ thank you for your patience, your humor, and most of all, for your love.

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