Thursday, November 25, 2010

* Happy Thanksgiving *

It is 35 degrees here in Washington State, and soon we will be heading over to my former husband's home to share the meal with him and his wife and their three doggies. A bit unusual yes, but we all get along and it's wonderful for my son to see parents and stepparents on good terms.

I am thankful for many things. First and foremost is my salvation, and the never ending love of my Father in heaven. I am thankful for my family - for a husband who truly cherishes me, a son who honors me and is growing up to be such a fine young man, and yes, for our two fur babies who make us laugh every day and love us, no matter what. I am thankful for my mother, who lives 1000 miles away, and for my sister and nephew.

I am going to Thanksgiving dinner with gray roots, because there ain't no way my left arm is going anywhere close to above my neck to be able to color my hair. That's okay, nothing to get upset over. I am thankful I'm still here!

I hope you have a wonderful day ~ God Bless!


Calgaroo said...

I absolutely love your photos..they are gorgeous..

Tracy said...

Love your Thankful List.
I soo love that you and your ex can spend time together. I wish more divorced couples could move past the past and think of their children.