Wednesday, August 6, 2014

I'm Not Stupid

I'm not stupid.  I'm not stupid.  I'm not a brain surgeon either.  But I am reasonably intelligent.  If I really want to learn something, I am capable of learning it.  Even brain surgery.  At least, I used to be capable.  Probably way too old to learn it now.  But I do have incredibly steady hands and a love for working with tiny things in small, cramped spaces.  The mechanics of a light bulb should not defeat me.

My small gooseneck over the work table lamp was fluttering.  Assuming the bulb had loosened ever so slightly, I gently turned it to the right.  Because....righty tighty, lefty loosey, correct?  I'd like to be able to tell my ultra handy husband what I did to separate the light bulb into two pieces, but I have no idea.  He can look at a piece of furniture in a magazine and build an exact replica.  It's a real jolt to my pride to have to tell him I couldn't tighten a light bulb.

I could be a modern woman and attempt to fix it myself.  But I'm smart enough to know (see!) not to mess around with a light which is still plugged into the wall.  To unplug this light would require me to crawl underneath my work table.  I may be a gambler in Vegas, but not so much with my injured rotator cuff.  It just isn't worth moving or  twisting the wrong way.  Much more prudent to wait till hubby gets home.

In the meantime I've been working in the bathroom, sitting on the toilet.  That adds a whole new layer to the glamour of being self-employed.  And yes, the lid is down.  After all, I'm not stupid.

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