Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Men in My Life

This morning my husband was ironing fabric. Fabric with cats and kittens on it. Then he was cutting that fabric into 4x4 inch quilt squares. He picked our son up from school and took him to get new tennis shoes. I asked him if he minded looking for a strapless bra for me, since he'd be in the store anyway. He said "no problem" so I sent him off with all the info on a little piece of paper.

They got the shoes, but alas, no bra. My son was less than enthusiastic and begged to go to the electronics section while the bra hunt took place. But Dad insisted they remain together. Dear son was mortified as Dad explained what the numbers and letters in a bra size mean. They were actually laughing and joking and male bonding. It wasn't a horrific experience that my son will use in the book he threatens he will someday write about me.

When they got home dear son had quite a bit of math homework, took out the trash, and grabbed a quick bite to eat. Then he was off to downtown Portland (just across the river from here, and the "big city" to us) with the youth group from church. They helped cook, serve and clean up meals at the rescue mission. He got home at 8:30, talked with me a bit and then went to sweep and vacuum the hardwood floors in the living and dining rooms because it's on his chore list for today. All of this done with a happy heart, a servant's heart.

My husband - a more masculine man you could never find. He can cut a perfect quilt square, cook a gourmet dinner, shop for a bra, thread a sewing machine, and create out of wood anything my little mind can imagine....just to name a few of his talents.

My son - a 7th grader with an incredible love for the Lord. His faith inspires me every day. He is polite, caring and respectful of his elders. He thinks I look 30 and doesn't believe the hair under the blond is actually gray.

I am truly blessed to have these men in my life.


mysteryhistorymom said...

You have been blessed, for sure.:-) What a wonderful and fun memory- bra shopping with Dad! (giggle) I know they must love you so much... Lori

Kay-The Rustic Cottage said...

You are so blessed!! A man like Geoff doesn't come along very often. And to have a son with such a strong faith in the Lord is really a double blessings.
